American Art Collector Debut!

TRAC 2019? A curated art show? American Art Collector!? Sweet! As an ancillary event to this past spring’s The Representational Art Conference (TRAC) - 2019, artist Michael Pierce curated a wonderful collection for “The Illusionists,” - a series of artworks from other artists in the futurism meets realism genre. He also invited me to share a few pieces. I don’t do shows very often, but every once in a while it’s fun to see my work in a new venue. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to visit the actual show, but I gather it was a lot of fun and a big success for Michael, the TRAC attendees, and other visitors.What I didn’t anticipate was the show being picked up by American Art Collector (AAC) in their June issue. When I heard the news, I tracked down a copy and was very pleasantly surprised to see “Guest in the Garden” with a whole page spread! Wow, my first magazine exposure.... heh.The AAC article, written by Michael, is a fascinating read - definitely worth checking out. It was particularly interesting to read a description of my work written by someone who is familiar with the burgeoning art realism movement who has a unique and fresh perspective. I really appreciated the invitation to the show and for the AAC article. Thanks, Michael!If you’re curious, here is the description of the show from the Studio Channel Islands Gallery website:

Works by  F. Scott Hess, Richard Macdonald, Sandy Yagi, Bryan Larsen, Mark Gleason, Conor Walton, Pamela Wilson, Regina Jacobson, Guy Kinnear, Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell, Roger Dean, Vince Natale.

Imagine a fantastic world. Anything is possible in it, anything can be made manifest. The difficulty is to share these things with other people – how do we describe unreal things?

The art in this show gives us a window into the imagined worlds of the artists who made them – and what amazing worlds they are – some are dreamlike, some are frightening, some are bizarre. All of them are painted and sculpted in a way that makes them believable.

This exhibition has been curated by Michael Pearce of Cal Lutheran University as part of The Representational Art Conference 2019. TRAC2019  is the premier international event focused on cutting-edge representational art in the 21st century – where imagination matters and the mind meets the hand.


Framing 101 - Part I


Prometheus: Beginning a New Commission Painting