Painting a Monochrom Underpainting - Part I

The first of a 4-part demonstration of the underpainting stage of creating a narrative oil painting. In this part of the demo, I complete the underpainting over the background landscape of this composition. 

I've decided to make this video available to to Entry Level patrons as well, since the underpainting stage sits somewhere between the drawing stage and the painting stage. In many ways, even though it is done with paint, it can be thought as a continuation of the drawing.

I'm working in straight tube oil colors with no added medium. These are Winsor Newton oil paints. Ivory Black, Burnt Sienna, and Titanium White. In this video I use a #4 flat synthetic brush and a #2 flat synthetic brush. I've posted a full video on mixing the neutral gray color palette I use for underpaintings.


Brainstorming Background Ideas for a Composition


Mixing a Neutral Gray Underpainting Palette