Thinking About Color in Shadows

It's been a couple of very busy weeks with the completion of the new studio, moving into the space, and also gearing up to start work on a large commission painting. I haven't had much time in front of the easel, or in front of the computer to edit videos, so I thought I would record a brief discussion on thinking about color in shadows, specifically while painting flesh-tones. 

You'll need to watch this video full screen to see my cursor (this was also partly an experiment in recording my computer screen).

I hope you find this information useful. Please leave your questions in the comments.

Also, I near the beginning of the video I mistakenly refer to the local color of the grass as yellow. Obviously, it's green. 

Happy Painting!

Update: I just finished painting the younger sister's head, and the attached image shows how I approached some of the issues I talked about in the video: Low chroma light on the bottom of the chin reflected off the gray shirt, pink light under the eyebrow ridge reflected off the older sister's shorts, warm (higher chroma red/orange) shadows around the eyes, inside the ear,  and where the neck turns under the hair (light reflecting around off of other flesh-tones), and very high chroma red/orange light where the sunlight is passing through the skin on the ears, the cast shadow from the forehead on the bridge of the nose, and inside the nostril.


Painting Footage in New Studio Demo


First Walkthrough of the New Studio Space