Transfer Complete!

It took roughly 11 hours of work, but the drawing has been successfully transferred to the panel! Video overview of the process in the editing stage now. 

Now it's time to begin work on the underpainting, which will also mean working out the final details of the overall value scheme for the painting; figuring out exactly how to make the transition from light on the right hand side to dark on the left. 

There are still a few details in the background to be worked out as well, also dealing with the transition from right to left, but this time the transition from fields, farmland, and green hills on the right to the barren, desolate landscape on the left. This is one case where I think it will be easier to work out these details on the canvas (panel) rather in the drawing, since I'll need to have a good feel for the changing light on the landscape. Should be a fun challenge!


Transferring a Large Drawing in Multiple Sections


This Drawing is Ready to Transfer!