All Systems Go

I believe this painting is finished! Other than a few very minor touch-ups, most likely unnoticeable in a photo, and a coat of varnish, this young astronaut is ready for launch. And by launch, I mean shipping to the client's home. I'm really pleased with how it turned out, and I hope they are too.Painting the cardboard shuttle was a lot of fun, especially the shiny duct tape. I'll have to find excuses to work those into a t least a few future compositions.I don't have a final title yet, but I will by the time I have a final image back from the photographer. I'll post both then. In the meantime, this is actually a pretty good photo of the painting given the various states of dryness and gloss of the different areas. I'm excited to see it with a coat of varnish to bring back the depth of colors, especially in the darker sections.


Out of the Box


That's a Nice Suit You've Got There!